Learn more about Dental Implants
A great solution for missing teeth
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Helping you smile with confidence again

If you have lost several teeth, there are typically two solutions available to you: separate crowns on dental implants or a bridge attached to two or more dental implants.Not every missing tooth needs to have an implant beneath it. A bridge can be fitted to a single implant on which two or more crowns are placed , therefore replacing adjoining teeth.

What are multiple dental implants?

There are several options available to restore multiple missing or damaged teeth, but none come close to the benefits of teeth implants. Thanks to the advancements in dental technology, teeth implants are widely considered as the best solution for the restoration of any number of damaged or missing teeth. Not only do dental implants have the cosmetic benefit of having a natural look, they are typically more durable and comfortable than any other form of restorative treatment.

The importance of filling the gap

The importance of replacing multiple missing back teeth (your molar teeth) cannot be under-stated. If you are missing front teeth there is an obvious motivation to consider dental implants as they will restore your smile.

Molars are the large multi-rooted teeth at the back of your mouth. Being designed to do the hard work of chewing your food, they are the power-houses of your bite. When molar teeth have been lost, all of your chewing workload gets transferred to the single-rooted teeth at the front of your mouth. These front teeth are simply not designed to grind and crunch food in the way your molar teeth are, and this excess stress on your front teeth can cause damage in the long term.

Benefits of multiple dental implants

Teeth that are supported using multiple tooth implants have the same chewing and biting power that natural teeth do. Grinding down of the existing teeth is not required to place an implant bridge. Multiple tooth implants can support many restorations and can function and look like natural teeth. It is hard to tell the difference between implants and natural teeth.

Implants can help to maintain the jaw size and shape by preventing bone loss. Chewing places pressure on the implants, and this stimulates the bone and prevents the body from reabsorbing it. Furthermore, implants can keep the nearby teeth in place. No adhesives are needed for this. With dentures, there might be a palate change which can prevent patients from tasting correctly.

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